Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Update Post

hello all,
most of you know that Braxton is doing very wel and done with chemo treatments. He will begin his after treatment care plan, having clinic visits and blood work monthly for 12 months. Braxton is very relieved and happy to be getting back to trying to regain strength. He is walking and swimming, mostly. he still has mobility restrictions for the next 2 weeks and then he will have restrictions for a short time after his port is removed at the end of July.
Braxton will go to Boy Scout camp this summer! That's a major milestone for him and for me!! Letting him go and just be a kid is great! God has been very good to us!!
We look forward to spending the rest of the summer at home and taking short trips. Happy summer everyone! Thankyoufor your support!
-posted by Beth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was wonderful seeing all of you at the wedding - and,Braxton, you're looking great. Only wish we had more time to share some conversation at length, the day seem to fly by! Emma, you and Ryan did so well and, yes, you did look like a princess. It's getting late, just wanted to say we love you all and that you are always in our hearts and prayers. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Nord GO CUBS!!