Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 84: The Beat Goes On

It's just another day during this - hopefully final - round of chemo. Not much to report on the treatment front. The only scheduled procedure today was another dose of chemotherapy.

Brad was with Braxton last night and for most of the day today.

Bayley and Zoe came to visit Braxton after school (just a half-day today). They helped Braxton build a Lego ship and then played the Disney version of "Scene-It." Bayley won - which just goes to show that she has seen too many Disney movies. Later in the day Moundsview Youth Football coaches Keith Kerfeld and Todd Jaeger came to visit. They coached Braxton for many seasons, including the last 07 season when Braxton's cancer adventure started. Braxton said they talked about "stuff". That's good in guy talk, I guess. Thanks for coming by coaches!

Emma had her "graduation" from pre-school tonight. She sang with her fellow Buny Group friends, got to talk in the mic to announce where she will be going to Kindergarten and recieved her diploma and a flower. It was very cute. Beth's Frog Group kids rocked the house with their moving and grooving "Energy" song. Emma is all ready to head to Kindergarten now. :)

I have come to relieve Brad and take a shift with Braxton. I'll stay here at the hospital tonight and through half the day tomorrow. Then Beth will come for the weekend.

I was hoping to get Braxton to watch some of the NBA finals tonight. I'd like to see Kevin Garnett get his chance for a championship ring. But for now Braxton is heavy into baseball on PS2. He is playing as the New York Yankees (boooo!) in a game against the once lowly Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Maybe we'll switch to basketball later.

Thank you, all, for your continued prayers and comments. We appreciate them all!

+posted by David

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