Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Turtles Conquered!!

Today I took Bayley, Braxton, Zoe and Emma to the U hospital to attend the 22nd annual Turtle Derby! It was a hoot! So many people shouting and cheering for the fastest turtles! The Turtle Derby is a fundraiser for children's programs at the hospital. Turtles are sponsored by various departments and groups within the hospital. 5B turtle made it to the finals but then refused to all...and we waited...then declared another the winner. Emma sat right up near the race platform and Braxton visited with nurse friends that he saw and was even on TV with Emily (Family Life) broadcasting to the kids inside that couldn't leave the floor. Everyone had a great time and will be back for the races next year. :)
Braxton's counts are all great and hemoglobin shot up to 11 after his transfusion yesterday. It's all good!
-posted by Beth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Braxton..How cool meeting the twins players and everything you did the other day!! I bet you really enjoyed yourself. Enjoy the sunshine :-)

Love, Jennifer