Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Day 12: Medicine Man

Now that Braxton is home, he has become the "Medicine Man." His cancer treatment includes a daily regimen of pills that would rival that of any geriatric patient.

Currently, Braxton's daily doses include the following:

1. Bactrim (twice a day on Mondays & Tuesdays) - prevents infection.

2. Fluconazole (twice a day) - prevents infection.

3. Prednisone (twice a day) - a steroid used to attack the cancer.

4. Zantac (twice a day) - to battle heartburn caused by all the other medications.

5. Zofran (as needed) - for nausea.

6. Miralax (as needed) - for constipation.

7. Senna (as needed) - for constipation.

8. GCSF (coming soon) - to help maintain white blood cell count.

+ posted by David

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Braxton! Thats quite the list of Meds you've got there! I see that you like Kansas... and they're doing pretty well in the tournament. I hope your finding ways to keep yourself occupied at home and I'd like to come visit you this week!

Nate Miller