Saturday, March 29, 2008

day 16: same place, different day

Hello fellow bloggers,
Today has been a pretty good day. Braxton had another chemo treatment in the morning, but is still feeling good. No nausea yet and he's been very hungry! That's the prednisone working. Today we tried to knock off some homework assignments and spent alot of time out of the room. We went to lunch in the cafeteria and enjoyed a table by the big windows in the sun. Then we moved downstairs to the hospital lobby to spread work out on a coffee table and sit in the big chairs. A change of scenery and people watching was good for Braxton. We got some work done, but Brax is tired today. Back to the room for some tv and DS play. David brought the kid clan by, after supper, to play some board games and hang out a bit. We had cake and pizza for Gretchen and Paul's birthdays and played Sequence. Braxton's monitor beeped the end of game time. Out of hydration and battery power so the party was over. If you don't come back to your room when your fluid is empty, they send out the nurse patrol to find you. We were met in the 5B hallway by our nurse ready to refill and plug Braxton back in. Nice to know they're looking out for him:).
We're both tired tonite. Not much sleep for me lastnight and Brax's nausea meds make him tired. Hopefully it will be an earlier bedtime and a quieter sleep.
more tomorrow family and friends...
posted by Beth

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