Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! We spent the day with David's family and talked to Illinois relies on the phone. We woke up to more snow falling and a chilly day for Easter. Egg hunting, this morning, started around 8 and ended after, mostly, all of the eggs were found. Minus the 2 that the dogs ate, and 2 that we can't find we did pretty well. Braxton is still feeling fine, just bored. School starts back tomorrow and he will be trying to fill his time at home. Friend Brendan is on Spring Break ,this week, though so there may be some company after all.
posted by Beth


Anonymous said...


I want to try again! I have tried 3 times now to leave you a note. I hope that Chemo goes well. We are plugging along in ALgebra. I will get Chapter 10 ready for you and then set up a time to meet!

We miss your humor in Algebra!
Mrs. Becky Wielinski

Anonymous said...

hey braxton--hope you get this one-lots of people here are wishing you the best--mrs. carlson says good luck--will try later--good luck--mr.j