Sunday, March 23, 2008

Pictures from Week 1

Braxton with New Catheter Port

Braxton, Zoe, and Bayley

Braxton with Superheroes


Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great! We can't tell you how much you and your family have been on our minds. Every night at bedtime, we say our prayers and Ryan is always praying that God makes you better! We pray that God gives you the strength and courage to fight the cancer within you! You have the support of your family and faith to get you through this tough time. You are a tough take out this cancer like you would take out and sack the quarterback on the football field! We love you and have you constantly in our prayers! Love, Uncle Bill, Aunt Julie, Ryan and Kyle.

Anonymous said...

Dear Braxton,
I pray that God will make you better! Feel better soon!
Love, Ryan