Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back In the Bighouse #4

Hello bloggers,
Braxton just got hooked up for his 2 hr. PET scan test. This is a big one because it will tell us what tumurs are still around. Braxton's IPOD is dead, his charger is at home and there's no tv to watch in the room where he will sit for 2 hrs and let the dye injection settle. Life stinks, for him, right now :( He can take a nap though... after the scan, we're hoping to get to play hooky for a few hours before having to get hooked up to an IV bag. Chemo isn't until 10 pm.
Braxton did get to go golfing, yesterday, with Brad. He flung his IV backpack on his back and away he went. He said that he played pretty well too!
not much else right now...
more later. :)
-posted by Beth

p.s. Thankyou Gramma Alice and Gramps Bruce for sending the sunflower seeds and t-shirts! Watching baseball games, in the hospital, isn't the same without sunflower seeds!

Thankyou, Marlene and Roy for the care package you sent! The old pictures of Grampa are so cool!!
-posted by Braxton

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