Saturday, May 3, 2008

Saturday news

Braxton doesn't make life predictable. Yesterday afternoon his blood work showed that his kidneys are, once again, having some trouble. Creatonin is higher than should be so, the nurse came out and connected him up to an IV drip bag for more fluids. Today, his creatonin has dropped but not enough to lose the IV more day carrying the backpack around. Braxton gets discouraged that he reacts to everything, so extremely. I do too.
Uncle Jeff is in town for the weekend! He arrived around 3 pm after a long drive through rain and too many state troopers. We kept him busy with goofy kid antics, ice cream and a movie (Narnia- because Jeff hasn't seen it before) and stupid pet tricks. Sadie (Jeff's big white Siberian Husky who used to be our's but we gave her to Jeff because she kept digging out under the fence and running all around town...) came along too. She isn't "comfortable" with Sunny and Rufus too near to her so they have to go outside when she eats, or she won't eat. Is this a doggy tantrum? Some owner manipulation?:)
Today we took everyone to the dog park. It's been a nice day and all of the dogs and children (and Uncle Jeff) enjoyed the park. Braxton didi not go. He does not like to carry his IV pack too much. It's quite heavy with fluid, a battery pack and pump. Braxton also had a visit from his math tutor this afternoon. He continues to do well in math.
We did go out for dinner, though, and came home so Brax and Jeff could have guy time to watch the Twins and the movie "Spaceballs" (totally 3rd grade boy humor). I am trying to dig into homework and planning for Preschool conferences this week. I have SO much to do.
Braxton is taking his IV in stride and is making Uncle Jeff laugh with his silly comments and observations. All is well...
-posted by Beth


Anonymous said...

Hi Brax-
So sorry about having to have the IV again. At our house we play "the glad game". We have to say something we are glad for when something is not so happy. I can play the glad game for you and be glad that you can stay home and have the IV rather than be at the hospital. I am also glad that the IV will help you to feel better. And I'm glad that Uncle Jeff and Sadie are there to visit with you.
I love you!
Aunt Pam

Anonymous said...

I want to play "the glad game" too! I'm glad for Braxton's smile. Everytime I look at the pictures and see your smile Brax, it makes me happy. I'm glad that I can "talk" with you and the family in your journal. Making supper for Grandpa so I'll say Good Nite and love you, precious boy. Grandma Nord