Monday, May 19, 2008

Day 67 - Good Weekend

We are grateful today for a nice weekend at home with Braxton. It got off to a shaky start with the late-night visit to the ER, but since then everything has been better.

Saturday was a beautiful day in Minnesota and Beth got Braxton to sit out on the front porch and enjoy some sun while she was working in the yard.

Sunday was another nice day and Braxton asked to go to the park. We took Braxton, Bayley, Paul, Zoe, Emma, and both our dogs (Sunny & Rufus) to the playground by island Lake Elementary School.

Braxton's energy didn't last long. He spent most of his time just sitting on a swing. But it was really nice to see him get outdoors, play a bit, and smile!

Braxton, Bayley, Paul, and Zoe had a shoe flinging contest. They all got on the swings, swang as high as they could, and then let their shoes fly to see whose would go the farthest. Zoe was the clear winner. Braxton cried foul since he was wearing Crocs and they were "sticky."

Sunny & Rufus were popular, too. We had them harnessed together on a single leash and let them roam around. At one point during the shoe-flinging contest they managed to wander off without anyone noticing. We spotted them a couple blocks down the road heading for the woods. Silly dogs!

Today Braxton is going to Prince Caspian with Barb. The theatre should be empty during a school day and he can have a pretty safe outing.

- posted by David.

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