Monday, May 19, 2008

double rebound

Hello all,
It's monday night and we're checking into the hospital again. Braxton's anti-biotics from his ER visit on friday night got him through the weekend, but ran out of steam for today. Braxton had a good day, though, going to see "Prince Caspian" with Barb ("awesome movie!") and then watching Emma's swimming lesson. He was quite tired when we returned home and went to lay down on the couch. When I saw his white face and red eyes I thought I better check the temp. Braxton's temperature registered 101.3. His counts are down below 300 and we were hoping the Neulasta would kick in before an infection did but, the window shut too fast.
Interns Brian and Christina are here, tonite, and nurses Sara, Jaymie and Nancy will care for Braxton too. Brax wondered who would be on tonite so he's happy to have familiar faces. Nancy and Jaymie are struggling with accessing Braxton's port. It's so deep in his chest and he requires a longer needle than usually used. He, also, seems to have swelling from port access on friday so they can't get even the longer needle into the port. They've inserted an IV into Braxton's arm, instead, because the swelling will need the night to go down and they need to get blood to start cultures. So, Brax has a cold pack on his chest to reduce swelling, we watch the Twin's try to win, and we wait... The floor is quiet. No crying babies. Brax has his own room while he has an infection (which he likes anyway) so he's doing ok. He's tired, frustrated with the fumbled port access attempts and short tempered with being back here again.
David is at home with kids and Brad will take over with Braxton tomorrow. More later... :)
-posted by Beth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest Beth and Braxton, Just read the blog - doing office work on the computer, a little after 10:00pm. Wish I could be there with you both - you know how I love to play any kind of game, especially cards! Sorry to hear about your return to the hospital. You are a brave young man, Brax. Keep faith in God's healing power and I pray that he touches and blesses you this nite. Love you both, Grandma Nord