Friday, May 30, 2008


Hello all,
Braxton is doing very well after his surgery and recovering at home. he is wearing a sling to keep pressure off of his incision, and is quite swollen. Still, he's figured out how to play Wii and text on his phone.
Bayley is participating in Senior Takeover Day today, at her school. The graduating Seniors were done yesterday so today is incoming Seniors day to begin their rule:). She's very excited!
Zoe will be having an archery field trip with Girl Scouts tomorrow. Should be fun for her! And I will be bushwacking my way through the weeds to find my garden. I finished another grad class lastnight! 3 more to go...
Enjoy the weekend everyone!
-posted by Beth


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you came through the surgery o.k., Braxton! Don't sling that sling around too much. We're praying for a good outcome on your test results.
Cousin Julie turns 42 today and we're all going to Naperville for dinner and then chocolate desserts at Le Chocolate Bouchard. If it's any good, maybe you can try it out after Alissa's wedding.
Bad rain storms today; hope we make it out there later.
Love, Aunt Wilma

Anonymous said...

Hey Braxton, it's Mike. How're you doing? Wanna know something random??:) Okay, you know how Mike Walstead always says Mike--Ryan when we play the name game at youth group? Well, I found out that there's a baseball player that used to play for the Twins named Mike Ryan! I thought that was cool. Well, talk to you later!

Mike Swenson

Anonymous said...


It is great to hear that the surgery went OK and you are home. I know that I am not tutoring you anymore, but I wanted to let you know that I am still watching the website. I am keeping you in my thoughts!

Have a good day!
Mrs. Becky Wielinski