Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Blowin' Chunks

Greetings from room 28 at UMMC. This morning got off to a late start as Braxton and I slept in until 9 am. We did get some good news about Braxton's white blood count, as the number rose from .6 to a rousing 3.5. However, his creatinine level, which monitors his kidney function, has risen to 1.33. This number should be at .7 to .8. Braxton hasn't had a fever for 35 hours now and needs to stay that way through Thursday morning if he wants to have a chance of going home. Oh, my! Braxton can be such a pain. I am trying to concentrate, but the little dude keeps bothering me. I can't just throw him out the window. Help!!!! What can I do? I know! I can play rock em sock em robots on him. Just kidding. I love my little buddy so much. We have fun and laugh at each other. Must tell you this. Braxton's phone fell on the floor and he wanted me to pick it up. Instead, because he was annoying me, I shoved it even farther away. Braxton then took my parent badge off and threw it on the floor next to his phone. I get the last laugh, though, as Braxton has gotten two text messages while his phone has been on the floor. Ha, ha! Back to the update. If the blood counts continue to go up, the creatinine levels stay the same or go lower and no more fevers it looks as though Brax can go home Thursday. A doctor just came in and said she was being optomistic that Brax could go home so she was asking about his meds at home. Brax has to do some homework on the computer so I am logging off. I forgot to tell you about the title. Braxton is feeling much better than yesterday. However, he get sick again this morning "blowing chunks" in the sink again. When the nurse came in and saw the sink, she said, "Dear Lordy!" We had a laugh about that. Brax didn't feel sick, it just came out of nowhere. Here in lies the story of blowing chunks.

Big Bad Brad the Dad

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